The Gator Tip-Off Club is an official booster organization of the University of Florida’s men’s basketball program.


As a club, we strive to enhance the season ticket holder’s Gator basketball experience through exclusive access to the team, guest speakers, pregame meals and meetings, and special events including pre- and post-season gatherings. Additionally, your membership also supports Gator Men’s basketball through donations to the Gator Boosters Athletic Education Fund.  Thanks to your membership, the club is able we were able to donate $5,000-10,000 per year to support the scholarship endowment program.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Support for Florida Gators basketball
  • Meetings with Head Coach Todd Golden
  • Meetings with Assistant Coaches and other basketball staff
  • Pre-season barbeque with players and coaches
  • Membership dinners & lunches prior to home games – speakers include coaches, media personalities, SEC officials and others
  • Opportunity to attend a Gator basketball practice session
  • Support for the Gator Tip-Off Club endowment at the University of Florida Foundation


A place to celebrate and cheer for the Orange & Blue!

Meetings with coaches and athletic association leadership

Thank you to our Business Supporters

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